Tuesday, January 22, 2008

virtual shopping

I love how in a couple of hours the web takes you from one place to another, here was last nights journey.
I started somehow on Flickr and found an image of a shop in Paris called Puree Jambon, there I found the dolls of Heather Louise, here is her fabulous website. She had a show last year at Puree Jambon in Paris, I particularly love her Marie Antoinette dolls

Heather Louise also has a blog here.
You can buy her work from this great shop in Amsterdam called Eggmercantile.
And they have a blog.

They also sell these postcards by Camilla, and the trays of Ibride, which I have loved since the days I worked in Habitat and we stocked them.

You have to go and look at the Ibride site, its beautiful.
Eggmercantile also stock lots of other great stuff from LZC and cute ceramics from Helbak.
And finally I found someones work I had never seen before, the talented Sam Buxton,

how have I ever missed that?

So a couple of hours soon disappeared and I didn't spend any money! x


Lobster and swan said...

Love these cut outs.

I've been tagged so if you feel like it I tag you too.

Just a bit of fun to write 7 interesting things about yourself on your blog.

Don't feel you have to, I won't be offended if you don't want to or if you have done this before!

computerarte said...

Wow! I love the garden! Where do you find it?