Gosh, has it been a week already! I have nearly finished my 8 pieces for the 'B is for ' exhibition at Baxters gallery in Dartmouth. The show starts 25th May - 14th June. It is a mixed exhibition including art, textiles and 3d work all beginning with the letter B. The private view is on the Friday where Bi is also for Bucks fizz and Bloody Mary's which will be served. All are welcome. Here is the work of some other artists showing. From left to right Aliisa Hyslop, Richard Goodwin Jones and Linda Miller. I'll show you mine later in the week. I tried playing around with placing pictures...it didn't work!
Wow! You are such a hardworker! I take my hat off to you (well I would if I was wearing one!) :-) Can't wait to see the new work!!
B is for beautiful im sure your work is..looking forward to seeing it!!!!!!!!
So what are you doing the first week of August??
First week of August, at the moment I don't think anything, why? xx
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