Friday, February 16, 2007

Beach huts

My latest work. The original 76x76cm is currently residing at Pond galleries in London. It will be available as a Limited edition print as soon as I update my website. Image size 30x30cm.

Have a great weekend folks! I will be back Monday with the artists. xxx


Stephne said...

Lovely, the eternal beach huts, your work is super i really would love to be able to paint......x

Lesley Todd said...

Really love this one. I bet it will do really well as a print.

julie said...

lovely and peaceful :)

Cally said...

So glad you liked my romanesco, I'm ridiculously pleased with how those shots turned out. I want them to be HUGE, lik eon the side of a building :0)

And hey, your painting kind of fits with my BLUE week theme and the fact that I must go to a beach soon. Thanks for posting. And ps, you find such great things, loved the Joke Shole link!