
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Up, up and away

Blimey, has it really been that long, I have all good intentions you know but time is just disappearing in front of my very eyes! The month has flown by, it has been a very successful month, the gallery has been very well received and I couldn't be happier!

But my days are very long, long gone are the days when I paint uninterrupted for hours, I now have lovely customers to distract me, which I love but I now paint long after the gallery has closed at 5. I have had just 2 proper days off this last month and the so I am sooooooooo looking forward to this Christmas break which starts tomorrow at 2.30 until January 6th. woohoo!!

We are heading off to Denmark this Christmas to spend time and to celebrate my Mothers 60th birthday and then me and hubby are going to Stockholm for 3 nights. THIS I cannot wait for, some time alone to enjoy, strolling hand in hand through a new city, talking, making plans for the coming year and generally spending some quality time together which has definitely been lacking here of late. I am also hoping to go and visit Karin in her studio and so many little shops I always read about on her blog.

I have not had my usual time Christmas shopping trips out this year so I have bought many gifts from Blogger friends and Etsy. I will be doing this every year now and supporting handmade. I can honestly say that the work of Kajsa of Syko fame never fails to brings a smile to my face. I am the proud owner of quite a few bits and pieces of hers and honestly the quality and finishing is excellent and the small details really delighful. There are a few lucky girls in my family this year. She is also a kind and wonderful person too which makes it all the better buying from her.
Before I go, I have to share with you the work of John Button who I have fairly recently discovered. I purchased a piece of his which I am yet to frame but will share with you once it is. I have much admiration for his work and I simply could quite easily live with one of his paintings on every wall. He is an English artist living in Stockholm, and he is clearly inspired by that special Scandinavian light. Go and see his work at his website. What makes it all the better is he is a very nice man too. Here is my favourite piece of his.

So I am now going to spend the next few hours reading blogs, something I have not done for such a long time and catch up on all your goings on. Thank you to all who have read my blog this year and been so patient with my erratic posting, I miss this space but something has had to give these past few months. To the readers who have emailed encouraging some words for you my new years resolution is to do at least one post every there...its in print now.

Thank you for staying with me and being so patient, I will be back in the New Year...I promise.

Merry Christmas everybody and a very Happy New Year xxx

Friday, November 30, 2007

Where to start?

Hello folks....
What a month....its just flown by. Its been such a long time since I posted that I nearly didn't, but the lovely Kajsa encouraged me to so I will start with small steps again. So we are in and settled and the gallery is open. Here are just a few photos from the gallery and studio. We are really happy here. I have been made to feel very welcome so far by the community. The local people are just so friendly, it is a very special place. The response has been slightly overwhelming. It is lovely to have people point to their houses in the paintings. The opening was exhausting but so much fun. The town hosted a Victorian evening with Ice rink, snow machines and roasted chestnuts, I slightly overdid it with the mulled wine (first of the season) but hey ho I thought I deserved it.
I'd just like to point out my lovely Mum made the stars for the window which are also for sale, they are great for on the tree, I will try my best to get a better photo of them for you.

I am finding it a little hard to paint and be on show and chat but I'm sure I can get used to it. I had a film crew in from S4C yesterday filming me paint so I had to brush up on my Welsh speaking skills. I studied Welsh in school but that was 13 years ago so I may just go to a local class for a refresher.
So, hwyl i ti a diolch yn fawr iawn i'r pobl o Biwmaris. xx

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Things are going well with the move and opening. I will post photos when I get some. This is a new painting of Penmon lighthouse just 5 miles from where we will be moving to.
I am enjoing the new Sigur Ros album. I also received their New film in the post today so very much looking forward to seeing that tonight. I bought the edition that came with a 116 page booklet. I'm so glad I did it is magical. You can find it here
so there you go!
Back soon.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

On the move

I didn't mean to have a blogging break, Life just took over.

BIG NEWS here.

We are on the move to the seaside. Beautiful Beaumaris in Anglesey to be precise, where the houses are all different colours and the views are some of the best in the UK. Anglesey is an Island off the North Wales coast.

Bigger news!

I am opening a studio/gallery there in a converted chapel. My studio will be open to the public where my work and some others will be on sale in the other half of the space. I am pretty excited right now, frantically placing orders for everything from tissue paper and bags to shop counters. I am planning to open late November so watch this space to follow the progress. I apologise in advance if the posts are a bit erratic but bear with me I will do my best.

That is it for today I'm afraid, so much to do, so little time.

Three little links these made me smile.
Camillas kokeshi made me gasp
This is coming to live with me
Back soon x

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I love you Mr Ryan

I have to interrupt my blogging schedule to tell you about what the wonderful postman delivered this morning. I completely forgot I had ordered this book by the wonderful Mister Rob Ryan, which arrived this morning alongside the tile I bought from his etsy shop a couple of days ago. He is a genius and I just can't wait to sit down later and have a real good look through the book. I first saw his work when he did the Liberty windows a few christmases ago. I ove the bittersweetness of his images. The book is a gem, I particularly like the way the images have shadows, it makes you just want to touch each page. What a star! He has made my day.

See you tomorrow! xxx
Edit: Having read this book rather than flicking I realised it a magical story of love and loneliness and dreams. Everyone should own this book. I wonder if it is autobiographical. I simply love it!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Shopping love

Phew, its all over. Exhausted!!!! Thank you to everyone who came along to the studio at the weekend, more than 200 of you in all, thats a lot of talking, and a lot of wine!!! It was a huge success for us both so thanks for the support of the project.
On Tuesday, I drove to Winchester to deliver six new paintings as part of a group show of Marine artists. The show starts tonight at Bell Fine Art. A very apt name for a gallery I'm showing in I thought.
Whilst in Winchester I happened to wander past THE most lovely shop I've seen in a long time.

The Hambledon.

Its huge!!! Over four floors there are room upon room of goodness, from furniture design classics like the Eames rocker, vintage furniture like this lovely Ercol chair, these beautiful French vintage boxes above (how did I not buy them?) to the latest Saltwater, Orla Kiely, Odd Molly and Goat collection in the Womenswear department on the top floor. Sean was happy flicking through the design books and the menswear section, there were also toys, ceramics, great books, beautiful toiletries, I could go on and on. I was like a kid in a sweet shop. The only thing I thought was missing perhaps was some locally made items and a bit more handmade but the interior of the shop was my dream. I wanted to move in! I'm not sure what exactly happened but I just came out with a gift for a friend. I think I was a little overwhelmed and didn't quite know where to start. Perhaps it was all just too much for my senses to take.

Instead next door was an art shop so I went and blew £100 on new pencils, brushes, pens and paint colours instead. What is that all about!?!?!?!?!?

I also managed to find a pair of Ugg boots in size 5 as they seem to have sold out in most places across the country, so thats my feet sorted till February. So a very good day was had in all until we hit a major jam on the way home so we spent 6 hours in the car. Hooray for M&S at service stations now, at least we could get something nice for dinner to be eaten in the car.

I am working on another painting for a Care home, which is 100x180cm, BIG!, I will try to photograph the progression. I have some lovely links saved up which I will get round to tomorrow, until then though Happy Thursday peeps xxx

Saturday, September 22, 2007

We are open!

Just quickly, before i was a very late one last night hanging the exhibition and getting everything ready, but at 10am(aaagggghhhh in an hour)this morning we will be opening our doors. On show there will be approximately 80 works in total for viewing. Some old, some very old and some brand spanking new works from both of us. Must dash, its going to be a long day. Hope to see you there! There will be wine!!!!!xxx

Saturday, September 15, 2007

New work

St Ives Harbour, did I ever mention my paintings are big, this is 90x90cm. This is also available as a limited edition print.

Open Studios

Once again, for the fourth year running, we are having an Open studio exhibition on the weekend of September 22nd/23rd (next weekend), in our garden studio at 41 Hamilton street, Hoole, Chester.
I think you can click the flyer above to enlarge it .
Come along......... you will find myself and Caroline Dangerfield, serving wine, talking about our work and maybe even doing a little painting. There will be brand new never been seen originals, some older works, works on canvas, prints, Limited editions, framed pieces and cards. It is so much fun to do, a lot of hard work but I love it, we meet the best people. It is worth coming just to admire the garden surrounding the studio, a litle private oasis.
So that is what i have been working on recently, last night we attempted to clean the studio, ready for the public, several spiders later and it looks fairly presentable. We have 1000 flyers to distribute locally this week, so thats my evenings sorted. So I will probably just be posting new works and not many words this week.
Bye for now xx

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A very pleasant crescent

So we went to Bath, it has quickly become my new favourite city. Fortunately the sun shined for us, so we walked and walked and walked and bathed as the sun set in the rooftop pool in the new Thermae spa, visited the old Roman Baths, But THE most enjoyable bit was walking round this cresecnt and peeking through the windows.....and spending some precious time with my man of course.
Back tomorrow xx

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

favourite sandals

More feet for Shash's feet week
Listening to the Magnolia soundtrack a lot these days, I love Aimee Mann
Trying out recipes from these two cookbooks,
Loving the new Habitat catalogue.
Enjoying my latest edition to my gallery wall, a stitched one at that!
Taking a few days off to celebrate the husbands 30th year. I can't say where we are going as its a surprise for him but back next week xx

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Autumns here

Gosh, sorry for the absence. It's been busy here again. I spent last weekend signing 550 limited edition prints for an order I had so had to take a small trip to the Coast to the printers.
I thought it was just me that loved photographing feet so I snapped Seans on the beach for
Shash's feet week.
I have hardly left the house so took my camera out in the garden and my porch area. I loved the one red leaf on the tree at the bottom of the garden. I should go down there more often. the corn in the field next to us is higher than our heads now but still no corn! Autumn has arrived. Things are changing, leaves are actually falling, damsons are being picked, apples are being stewed and flowers are picked before they reach their end, so I am filling jugs with them.

Still looking for a house, I'm actually thinking of contacting Kirsty and Phil .....seriously!
Back soon. x

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Flower heaven

'Inspired by hydrangeas'.......I was...........

................ so I painted this. This months Country living had a beautiful article on Hydrangeas. The jewel like colours got me very excited indeed. I might take a little trip to our local garden centre tomorrow to see the colours they have. Very busy painting for Baxters gallery in Devon still. This with two more went today, more to follow. My two favourite magazines these days are Coast and Country Living. the pictures inspire me no end. We are househunting at the moment, looking and dreaming of that Seaview! Back to painting Dartmouth!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Perfect day.

I keep meaning to write, really I do, I have so much news that I don't know where to start with it all. I have updated my site, there, I've started! One thing a day maybe, that might make it easier.

Here is the final painting i started last week. The sky was at least 8 different colours and they never felt right. It is currently in Oriel gallery in Barmouth, Wales, and will also be in my shop, in the next couple of days. I added more daisies as I thought they really drew you in to the painting.

I am busy painting new works for Baxters Gallery in Dartmouth ready for the Regatta that is coming up there, so lots of colour and bunting.

We had a well deserved day off yesterday. We drove with friends to the coast. Of course I forgot to take photos, I am so rubbish like that! It was windy and the waves were crashing onto the beach, just how we like it. We went here, here, and hereWe had a lovely Sunday lunch here and then came home to meet some more friends whose birthday it was. As a birthday gift Sean designed site a site for our lovely friend Amy whose cakes are magical, more images to be added soon. They really are spectacular. So a perfect Sunday really, the sea, good food and good friends! (some sun would have been quite nice too I suppose).
Oh and I told you a long time ago that the one thing I do whilst painting is light candles. So I am very excited that I ordered a few new ones this morning from 'Coasts of Cornwall' I can't wait to smell the Raspberry and Vine tomato and also the smell of Cotton sheets. Victoria lives in my beloved Cornwall and has a really lovely blog here.
So I promise I will be back again this week, sharing more. x

Thursday, August 09, 2007

taking shape.

I thought for fun I would record my painting process. There are more decisions to make with colour than you realize. This is probably my personal favourite colour palette, greys blues and pastels. I am secretly quite happy with this, I think I might go to print with it as a limited edition. It will be on its way to Avalon in Cornwall next week I think.

Oh, and I forgot to say yesterday, I bought these in Cath Kidston last week and I love love love them, I don't think I have worn anything else since, whether they go with my outfit or not! xxx

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

How does that happen?

How does a week just disappear????
In all honesty, I have locked myself in my studio for the last 10 days with the exception of a lovely trip to London last Thursday. I have been coming out for coffee and supplies. I am swamped right now. Galleries are selling out fast as its Summer and quite frankly I am struggling to keep up! it is a great feeling though and I have treated myself to lots of new music to keep me going. But I will. I had to come up for air for a quick post. I just need a half hour break. break.
Here are some photos from my London day out. I met up with a very special lady, enjoyed a spot of lunch at The Bluebird and shopping on the Kings rd, we got told off for taking photos in Designers guild!!!

We talked and talked over cake and coffee mmmmmmmm then we parted and I went off to meet a friend in Spitalfields.

This has to be my favourite area of London, great little cafes and restaurants and shops shops shops and this special shop (below)

Unfortunately most of the market was closed which of course was good for my bank balance. Doesn't that photo of the cafe look like Paris? A lovely dinner with said friend then last train home. I LOVE London, but I also love coming home to my little house in the country surrounded by fields and fresh air and no black snot!!!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Summer!

There might just be some more photos over here xx

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What I do best....

It's been quite a while since I've shown you any work so here is one for now. A lot to do this week, early morning painting, late night painting, meetings, new ideas, colour proofing and less time reading blogs is the order. Bye for now xx

Monday, July 23, 2007

What weather!

More lovely pattern and colour from Alhambra. Our necks hurt from gazing up at that ceiling for a long time. Crazily reminded me of egg boxes!

Some areas in the UK are really seriously flooding, Poor Gloucestershire! It hasn't stopped raining here for days. I have been enjoying watching the everchanging skies. I love the array of colours, so many shades of grey. Bu this weather really is making people miserable. We have been really looking forward to today. As a surprise wedding gift to Sean I booked us a hot air balloon flight that actually goes over our house. It was meant to be this evening but alas when we phoned up at lunchtime, surprise surprise it was cancelled! So we have to rebook but with the weather as it is I think we will be safer waiting several weeks. Very disappointed.

I read today about The Couple by Sean Henry, I would like to go up and see that when it is completed later this month. I love it when people go crazy on scale.I reckon it will be amazing!

I found a lovely new blog Freds blog.......a man! How refreshing! A man who appreciates Cath Kidston and colour and makes fairy cakes and everything, who'd have thought it eh! And I bet he can put up shelves too!!!
Until tomorrow xx

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Alhambra delights

Every inch of this place is magnificent, the detail is unbelievable. Everyone must go here at least once in their lifetime, it will blow you away!

I saw these and thought of Abigails drawing and carvings........more to follow! xx