
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I love you Mr Ryan

I have to interrupt my blogging schedule to tell you about what the wonderful postman delivered this morning. I completely forgot I had ordered this book by the wonderful Mister Rob Ryan, which arrived this morning alongside the tile I bought from his etsy shop a couple of days ago. He is a genius and I just can't wait to sit down later and have a real good look through the book. I first saw his work when he did the Liberty windows a few christmases ago. I ove the bittersweetness of his images. The book is a gem, I particularly like the way the images have shadows, it makes you just want to touch each page. What a star! He has made my day.

See you tomorrow! xxx
Edit: Having read this book rather than flicking I realised it a magical story of love and loneliness and dreams. Everyone should own this book. I wonder if it is autobiographical. I simply love it!


  1. I love him too :)
    Is it a tile or is it enamel?

  2. Its on a standard tile, so would fit into a bathroom or kitchen wall nicely. Honestly add to your magazine buying week and get the book you will not be disappointed.

  3. Beautiful! And I hadn't even seen his etsy shop before!

  4. Thankyou for telling me about him. The book looks beautiful. Isn't it great when you get a lovely surprise, through the letterbox, that you had forgotten all about?

    Victoria x

  5. Thanks for writing nice things about my work and book and stuff. I went on hols to North Wales this summer (rained all week !)and had a lovely afternoon in Beaumaris with tea and ice cream and a nice stroll on the pier and around the town. It was cool !


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx