
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

How does that happen?

How does a week just disappear????
In all honesty, I have locked myself in my studio for the last 10 days with the exception of a lovely trip to London last Thursday. I have been coming out for coffee and supplies. I am swamped right now. Galleries are selling out fast as its Summer and quite frankly I am struggling to keep up! it is a great feeling though and I have treated myself to lots of new music to keep me going. But I will. I had to come up for air for a quick post. I just need a half hour break. break.
Here are some photos from my London day out. I met up with a very special lady, enjoyed a spot of lunch at The Bluebird and shopping on the Kings rd, we got told off for taking photos in Designers guild!!!

We talked and talked over cake and coffee mmmmmmmm then we parted and I went off to meet a friend in Spitalfields.

This has to be my favourite area of London, great little cafes and restaurants and shops shops shops and this special shop (below)

Unfortunately most of the market was closed which of course was good for my bank balance. Doesn't that photo of the cafe look like Paris? A lovely dinner with said friend then last train home. I LOVE London, but I also love coming home to my little house in the country surrounded by fields and fresh air and no black snot!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh yes, black bogeys...i remember them well : )

    seriously i am super jealous of your london day...mainly of course because i couldn't make it to meet you + julie but now you've shown me caravan...i've got to get there soon!

    really pleased your busy + selling lots of work. enjoy your tunes whilst painting...any recommendations? xxx


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx