
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

favourite sandals

More feet for Shash's feet week
Listening to the Magnolia soundtrack a lot these days, I love Aimee Mann
Trying out recipes from these two cookbooks,
Loving the new Habitat catalogue.
Enjoying my latest edition to my gallery wall, a stitched one at that!
Taking a few days off to celebrate the husbands 30th year. I can't say where we are going as its a surprise for him but back next week xx


  1. your sandals are so cute! enjoy your time away janet.

  2. Cute sandals! And cute feet! Happy birthday to your husband.

  3. Love the sandals!!!

    You have a fun blog!!! I love all of the photos!!! Quite lovely.

  4. Aah Polka dot shoes! You've got to love 'em!

    I have just bought Apples for jam, because it had my little girls shoes on the front! But inside it is full of the most glorious treats - yummy.

    Victoria x

  5. so glad you are enjoying the print - it makes me so happy to think of it in your home [i'd love to see it "up" sometime :)]

  6. Hello my friend - gosh i have to catch up with you!!! Love your spotted sandals and wish Sean a Very happy birthday :)

    Love your recent photos and Lisas print too!!

    Will send an email to you xxx

  7. hi janet! your sandals are divine : ) green + polka dots...what could be better?!

    hope you had a lovely time away with your hubby + happy belated 30th to him! where did you head? it's been great weather here so hope you've had september sun too!

    tessa kiros' cookbooks are just so scrummy to look at...i have apples.f.j. + falling cloudberries too. aren't the photos wonderful? i've tried out a few recipes but still have many to reading them as they are!

    thanks for the flyer by the way...if there is any chance we're over that way i'd surely love to stop by : )


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx