
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What I do best....

It's been quite a while since I've shown you any work so here is one for now. A lot to do this week, early morning painting, late night painting, meetings, new ideas, colour proofing and less time reading blogs is the order. Bye for now xx


  1. That's lovely. Gorgeous colours. I love it when you post new work. I saw two of your paintings a few weeks ago in Marazion. They are even more amazing when you see them for real. If we hadn't already bought a painting I think we might have come home with one of them.

  2. oh you do...i love the scandanavian bowl :) xx

  3. I love your painting, especially the curtains and the cool look of it all!


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx