
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Autumns here

Gosh, sorry for the absence. It's been busy here again. I spent last weekend signing 550 limited edition prints for an order I had so had to take a small trip to the Coast to the printers.
I thought it was just me that loved photographing feet so I snapped Seans on the beach for
Shash's feet week.
I have hardly left the house so took my camera out in the garden and my porch area. I loved the one red leaf on the tree at the bottom of the garden. I should go down there more often. the corn in the field next to us is higher than our heads now but still no corn! Autumn has arrived. Things are changing, leaves are actually falling, damsons are being picked, apples are being stewed and flowers are picked before they reach their end, so I am filling jugs with them.

Still looking for a house, I'm actually thinking of contacting Kirsty and Phil .....seriously!
Back soon. x


  1. it looks beautiful where you live! i love the flowers sprouting through the sand! thanks for participating in feet week.
    your art reminds me a little of the woman who illustrated miss rumphius. whole little worlds of goodness. ;-) really nice!

  2. Those flowers are so sweet in that blue teapot. I know how tempting it is to contact Kirsty and Phil! We talked about it when we were looking. I hope you find somewhere you like soon.
    P.s. Where did you get the icecream sign from? It's great.


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx