So what happened to August? Sorry for lack of posts. Thank you all for the comments and emails and sorry I haven't had the energy to reply.
The gallery was crazy busy for the last 6 weeks and since I haven't been very well for nearly a month now my fantastic family chipped in and did a superb job of running it resulting in an amazing month. Thank you thank you thank you to them. I am starting to feel normal again now (!) and contemplating entering the studio again. Sorry to all the people who are waiting for commissions. I have had many many emails asking about available originals. Right now I will have to point you in the direction of Baxters gallery, Dartmouth, Serena Hall Gallery, Southwold and Avalon Art in Marazion who all have just a few paintings available. I have no originals in my gallery or in the studio due to the busy Summer season but hard work is on the cards to amend that soon so please be patient.
I shall be back soon with more news but that is me for today. xxx
Those are soooooo cute. My Mum is a x-stitch machine, so I'm going to see if I can get her to make one up for me!
they're gorgeous! just the thing to do by the fire now we've officially gone autumnal : )
glad you're feeling better...it was nice to see you pop up in bloglines today!
have a lovely weekend xxx
Too bad that you have not been well for so long - I'm happy you are feeling better...
Nice that your famliy helped you in your busy studio.
To make cross stitch kits out of your art is an amazing idea!! I'm excited to hear more about those...
So sorry to hear you were sick, but so happy to see you back! Your cross stitch adaptations are beautiful. I think they definitely show the quality of your work. Exciting news indeed! Twyla
You know, cross stitch doesn't really float my boat (pardon the pun) but these are the nicest ones I've ever seen. Congrats - you'll be taking over the world soon I'm sure.
Glad you are feeling better
*CLAPPING* @ u feeling better AND the splendid cross stitch patterns that are so fresh and charming!!
Hello Janet
I have been a huge fan of your work since I first discovered your website and blog summer '07. But naughty me I've been lurking for so long and finally felt I had to come out and say hello.
I am sooooooooooo excited to hear about the cross stitch project, oh my, I am WAY beyond excited for this!! Please do let us know details of how we can get hold of these as soon as you have them....
Hope you feel back to your normal self soon, sending you love and hugs
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