Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008

The photo below from yesterday was taken standing at the end of the pier in this painting I did recently. An inspiring view in every direction.
I just rediscovered the work of Virginia Graham, it makes me smile! i particularly enjoyed looking at her drawings.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
A wintry train journey
Wendy Jung ceramics
Hope you all have a good weekend, I will be painting all weekend, I have to finish my Liverpool paintings x
p.s Thank you for the camera advice, I'll have a play around.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I like the work of Helen Musselwhite a lot. She also has an etsy shop.
I like to decorate with White, then add colour.
On my wish list is a new camera. Or maybe I should read the instructions of the one I've got to find out why every photo I take is blurry. Any ideas or recommendations? x
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
virtual shopping
I love how in a couple of hours the web takes you from one place to another, here was last nights journey.
I started somehow on Flickr and found an image of a shop in Paris called Puree Jambon, there I found the dolls of Heather Louise, here is her fabulous website. She had a show last year at Puree Jambon in Paris, I particularly love her Marie Antoinette dolls
I started somehow on Flickr and found an image of a shop in Paris called Puree Jambon, there I found the dolls of Heather Louise, here is her fabulous website. She had a show last year at Puree Jambon in Paris, I particularly love her Marie Antoinette dolls

Heather Louise also has a blog here.
You can buy her work from this great shop in Amsterdam called Eggmercantile.
And they have a blog.
They also sell these postcards by Camilla, and the trays of Ibride, which I have loved since the days I worked in Habitat and we stocked them.

You have to go and look at the Ibride site, its beautiful.
Eggmercantile also stock lots of other great stuff from LZC and cute ceramics from Helbak.
And finally I found someones work I had never seen before, the talented Sam Buxton,

how have I ever missed that?
So a couple of hours soon disappeared and I didn't spend any money! x
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Rob Ryans new Valentine piece, the words make me feel all fuzzy.
Sitting playing Monopoly for 5 hours with great friends, lots of laughs and lots of tea and Nigellas flourless chocolate brownies from Nigella express.
.......and not feeling guilty about any of it!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Kathleen Hills

I will continue with book week when I have more time. Juggling lots and lots of different projects at the moment.....AND LOVING IT!
So a quick lovely link to the wonderful work of Kathleen Hills.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Green and blue
Notable books on these shelves
Lullaby Supermarket Yoshitomo Nara
The Winter book Tove Jansson
Beetle boy Laurence David and Delphine Durand (she is my favourite illustrator of Chiildrens books) The house that Jill built and The Snoops are just wonderful
Bob and co Delphine Durand
A childrens garden of verses, illustrated by Brian Wildsmith
Gallery Catalogue of Rachael Howard
Flea market style Emily Calmers
Speed to the West (I love this book of vintage travel posters)
Gate of Eden Ethan Coen
Under Milk Wood (Classic Dylan Thomas and one of the only things I remember from English/drama class)
Slash with a knife Yoshitomo Nara
This is for you Rob Ryan(everyone should own this beautiful book) I just found this interview with him on the Magma site.
The Principles of Uncertainty Maria Kalman
Sometimes I think, sometimes I am Sara Fanelli (her latest book)
This is London M Sasek (I would love them all in this series)
Pictures and Words Roanne Bell and Mark Sinclair, (diverse collection of illustrators)
Tomorrow Green x
Friday, January 11, 2008
Capital of Culture 2008
I have to do some paintings, drawings of Liverpool for a new gallery opening there. So come along for a day out with me won't you?
I arrived at lunchtime so I headed straight to the cafe in The Tate at the Albert Dock for a bite to eat.
A German installation artist Tobias Rehberger was commissioned to turn the cafe into a multicoloured three dimensional piece of art. I was impressed, The photo above made me laugh!
Whilst at the Tate I managed to catch the last few days of The Turner prize. The place was packed out with an amazing cross section of people. I don't go and see this kind of art often enough. I like that it challenges me to think beyond the everyday art I see in commercial galleries. I found it hard that I was on my own with noone to discuss what i was seeing with. I decided to this year try to keep more up to date with what is going on in this other Art World. I really enjoyed the film Waiting by Zharina Bhimji.
'Waiting, made in a factory used to process Sisal, has an abstraction that hovers somewhere between film and painting. The washed-out colour of the hair-like material, the light, and the interior of the factory create a saturated monochrome that, combined with the film’s soundtrack, becomes immersive. Recorded on a 35mm film and then transferred to high-definition video ,every nuance of the building is captured.'
Here is more about the shortlisted artists.
So I walked around the docks, took lots of photos, did some sketching. the Albert Docks is where the new gallery is going to be so this was a good starting point.
Next I walked towards the city to take in some of the biildings there.
I was astounded by the amount of building work going on. Everywhere you looed there were cranes, diggers and huge new buildings being built and old ones being bulldozed. It is going to be very difficult to paint this skyline when it will probably look very different some time soon.
So I headed towards the The Bluecoat. It is one of the best outlets in the country for contemporary craft. Here are some of the artists they have on permanent display there!!!! I got a little bit excited.
I'll save some more for another day as I think this is turning into a marathon post. By the time I came out of there, the sun was setting, I had a little Donna Wilson softie in my bag and I was very happy.
The photos below are my favourites of the day, the sky was stunning.
See you all next week for Book shelf week x
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
I was given and I have bought a lot of very inspiring books recently so I have decided to have a book week next week, starting Monday. i think you can tell a lot from someones bookshelf so here is a sneak peek of part of mine.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
It's that time of year again
Ahhhh, lovely thoughts of a holiday that seems so long ago amidst the mountain of paperwork I put off throughout December and the dreaded...................Tax return!!!!
I found Bengt&Lotta in Stockholm
To all the self employed people out there, I am feeling the pain too. I am halfway there and my tips to you are light some candles, spread out on a large table and put some nice music on, then pour yourself a very large glass of wine, then another until you can't focus and have to start again tomorrow ;)
My very nice music today comes courtesy of Camera Obscura, I just rediscovered their 2006 album 'Lets get out of this country'.
It makes me very happy indeed!
Back tomorrow x
Monday, January 07, 2008
Home!! (Sigh)
We are back from our trip to Scandinavia. I prayed for snow and boy did we get it. I fell in love with Stockholm but I do not think I have ever been as cold in my life. Thermals were bought and extra socks worn. We ventured out just one evening after we got back to our hotel because of the cold. We walked for hours during the day and it took so long to thaw out so we played cards and yahtzee on the bed instead. I liked playing with the lights as you can see.
I have never been anywhere more friendly as Sweden....or expensive.
More photos tomorrow as I sort them out.
Happy New year to you all, I feel this is going to be an exciting one.
Things I am excited about today:
3191 evenings.....and THE BOOK later on the year, whoopee!
Camilla is guest blogger over at Design sponge (my two favourite blogs in one).
Karin updating her etsy shop with her pebbles and more.
It looks like Tim Burton has done it again with Sweeney Todd.
My Christmas present from hubby coming back from the framers!!!!
I have been doing some drawing and collage recently. I really feel I need to do something for me in these cold dark evenings. I love painting each day but I don't seem to have time to experiment as much as I would like to, so this Winter I will be opening my own etsy shop for tiny originals and prints....coming soon.
My Christmas present from hubby coming back from the framers!!!!
I have been doing some drawing and collage recently. I really feel I need to do something for me in these cold dark evenings. I love painting each day but I don't seem to have time to experiment as much as I would like to, so this Winter I will be opening my own etsy shop for tiny originals and prints....coming soon.
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