Blimey, has it really been that long, I have all good intentions you know but time is just disappearing in front of my very eyes! The month has flown by, it has been a very successful month, the gallery has been very well received and I couldn't be happier!
But my days are very long, long gone are the days when I paint uninterrupted for hours, I now have lovely customers to distract me, which I love but I now paint long after the gallery has closed at 5. I have had just 2 proper days off this last month and the so I am sooooooooo looking forward to this Christmas break which starts tomorrow at 2.30 until January 6th. woohoo!!
We are heading off to Denmark this Christmas to spend time and to celebrate my Mothers 60th birthday and then me and hubby are going to Stockholm for 3 nights. THIS I cannot wait for, some time alone to enjoy, strolling hand in hand through a new city, talking, making plans for the coming year and generally spending some quality time together which has definitely been lacking here of late. I am also hoping to go and visit Karin in her studio and so many little shops I always read about on her blog.
I have not had my usual time Christmas shopping trips out this year so I have bought many gifts from Blogger friends and Etsy. I will be doing this every year now and supporting handmade. I can honestly say that the work of Kajsa of Syko fame never fails to brings a smile to my face. I am the proud owner of quite a few bits and pieces of hers and honestly the quality and finishing is excellent and the small details really delighful. There are a few lucky girls in my family this year. She is also a kind and wonderful person too which makes it all the better buying from her.
Before I go, I have to share with you the work of John Button who I have fairly recently discovered. I purchased a piece of his which I am yet to frame but will share with you once it is. I have much admiration for his work and I simply could quite easily live with one of his paintings on every wall. He is an English artist living in Stockholm, and he is clearly inspired by that special Scandinavian light. Go and see his work at his website. What makes it all the better is he is a very nice man too. Here is my favourite piece of his.

So I am now going to spend the next few hours reading blogs, something I have not done for such a long time and catch up on all your goings on. Thank you to all who have read my blog this year and been so patient with my erratic posting, I miss this space but something has had to give these past few months. To the readers who have emailed encouraging some words for you my new years resolution is to do at least one post every week....so there...its in print now.
Thank you for staying with me and being so patient, I will be back in the New Year...I promise.
Merry Christmas everybody and a very Happy New Year xxx
Merry Christmas, Janet!
merry christmas...love the balloons!
such a fun piece.
Merry Christmas - have a great holiday! Your pictures are astonishing, I can't wait to read you after the break.
merry christmas janet!
happy christmas janet!
enjoy your precious time off : ) what an exciting year 2007 has been for you...here's to more adventures in 2008! xxx
Meery merry Christmas and happy new year 2008 - Have a great time xx
Maybe you'll like this - http://www.flickr.com/photos/nahcotta/sets/72157603511014479/
Enjoy your days off, you deserve it! I wish I was in Stockholm to see you, it's only a boat trip away... Welcome to Helsinki next time, I'll show you around! And thanks for shouting out about me!
Happy new year!
happy new year!
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