
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Shopping love

Phew, its all over. Exhausted!!!! Thank you to everyone who came along to the studio at the weekend, more than 200 of you in all, thats a lot of talking, and a lot of wine!!! It was a huge success for us both so thanks for the support of the project.
On Tuesday, I drove to Winchester to deliver six new paintings as part of a group show of Marine artists. The show starts tonight at Bell Fine Art. A very apt name for a gallery I'm showing in I thought.
Whilst in Winchester I happened to wander past THE most lovely shop I've seen in a long time.

The Hambledon.

Its huge!!! Over four floors there are room upon room of goodness, from furniture design classics like the Eames rocker, vintage furniture like this lovely Ercol chair, these beautiful French vintage boxes above (how did I not buy them?) to the latest Saltwater, Orla Kiely, Odd Molly and Goat collection in the Womenswear department on the top floor. Sean was happy flicking through the design books and the menswear section, there were also toys, ceramics, great books, beautiful toiletries, I could go on and on. I was like a kid in a sweet shop. The only thing I thought was missing perhaps was some locally made items and a bit more handmade but the interior of the shop was my dream. I wanted to move in! I'm not sure what exactly happened but I just came out with a gift for a friend. I think I was a little overwhelmed and didn't quite know where to start. Perhaps it was all just too much for my senses to take.

Instead next door was an art shop so I went and blew £100 on new pencils, brushes, pens and paint colours instead. What is that all about!?!?!?!?!?

I also managed to find a pair of Ugg boots in size 5 as they seem to have sold out in most places across the country, so thats my feet sorted till February. So a very good day was had in all until we hit a major jam on the way home so we spent 6 hours in the car. Hooray for M&S at service stations now, at least we could get something nice for dinner to be eaten in the car.

I am working on another painting for a Care home, which is 100x180cm, BIG!, I will try to photograph the progression. I have some lovely links saved up which I will get round to tomorrow, until then though Happy Thursday peeps xxx

Saturday, September 22, 2007

We are open!

Just quickly, before i was a very late one last night hanging the exhibition and getting everything ready, but at 10am(aaagggghhhh in an hour)this morning we will be opening our doors. On show there will be approximately 80 works in total for viewing. Some old, some very old and some brand spanking new works from both of us. Must dash, its going to be a long day. Hope to see you there! There will be wine!!!!!xxx

Saturday, September 15, 2007

New work

St Ives Harbour, did I ever mention my paintings are big, this is 90x90cm. This is also available as a limited edition print.

Open Studios

Once again, for the fourth year running, we are having an Open studio exhibition on the weekend of September 22nd/23rd (next weekend), in our garden studio at 41 Hamilton street, Hoole, Chester.
I think you can click the flyer above to enlarge it .
Come along......... you will find myself and Caroline Dangerfield, serving wine, talking about our work and maybe even doing a little painting. There will be brand new never been seen originals, some older works, works on canvas, prints, Limited editions, framed pieces and cards. It is so much fun to do, a lot of hard work but I love it, we meet the best people. It is worth coming just to admire the garden surrounding the studio, a litle private oasis.
So that is what i have been working on recently, last night we attempted to clean the studio, ready for the public, several spiders later and it looks fairly presentable. We have 1000 flyers to distribute locally this week, so thats my evenings sorted. So I will probably just be posting new works and not many words this week.
Bye for now xx

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A very pleasant crescent

So we went to Bath, it has quickly become my new favourite city. Fortunately the sun shined for us, so we walked and walked and walked and bathed as the sun set in the rooftop pool in the new Thermae spa, visited the old Roman Baths, But THE most enjoyable bit was walking round this cresecnt and peeking through the windows.....and spending some precious time with my man of course.
Back tomorrow xx

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

favourite sandals

More feet for Shash's feet week
Listening to the Magnolia soundtrack a lot these days, I love Aimee Mann
Trying out recipes from these two cookbooks,
Loving the new Habitat catalogue.
Enjoying my latest edition to my gallery wall, a stitched one at that!
Taking a few days off to celebrate the husbands 30th year. I can't say where we are going as its a surprise for him but back next week xx

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Autumns here

Gosh, sorry for the absence. It's been busy here again. I spent last weekend signing 550 limited edition prints for an order I had so had to take a small trip to the Coast to the printers.
I thought it was just me that loved photographing feet so I snapped Seans on the beach for
Shash's feet week.
I have hardly left the house so took my camera out in the garden and my porch area. I loved the one red leaf on the tree at the bottom of the garden. I should go down there more often. the corn in the field next to us is higher than our heads now but still no corn! Autumn has arrived. Things are changing, leaves are actually falling, damsons are being picked, apples are being stewed and flowers are picked before they reach their end, so I am filling jugs with them.

Still looking for a house, I'm actually thinking of contacting Kirsty and Phil .....seriously!
Back soon. x