This studio left me speechless......more photos and words to come.This last photo makes me so happy, amazing colour palette. He could sell this as wallpaper.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
hello stranger
Hello.....Where did this Summer go?. I was a fool to think I would be able to keep on top of things, gallery, deadlines, commissions, parenting.....We all got the flu and my baby became a little boy. They grow quickly in the fresh air don't they? He has lots of, egg, iggle, tractor and Hermione being his favourites. The latter being his current girlfriend. Exciting things happening here so stay tuned. I visited an amazing studio recently of a ceramicist and got studio envy times a billion. Photos coming tomorrow.The little man has been helping us in the gallery this week while his Mormor is on holiday and we have deadlines so he came to work with us. His material of choice is felt tip pens, mine of course acrylic, and he has enjoyed adding the final touches to my paintings?!?!?!?!?!?!
Have you all had a good Summer? I look forward to catching up with some blogs this week, I've missed you and this little space.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Amy Swann cakes
Not only am I inspired by flowers at the moment, but so is my amazing friend Amy Swann.
I have wanted to blog about her for ages but it is now a great time as things are about to get very busy and exciting for her.
She has just come runner up in the Country homes and interiors awards for Country business award 2012.....and boy am I proud of her.
She made our wedding cake for us 5 years ago and been making wedding and special cakes for several years now. She is an Art teacher, a Mum and an inspiration. I feel I can't just describe her as a cake maker, she is an artist...her cakes are works of art they are truly something else. She does actually paint parts of the flower. She is just working on another signature cake right now, a 5 tier flower extravaganza. I will show photos when I get them. She is inspired by wild, country flowers, vintage style, colour, texture, go and take a look at her website, it is a work of art in itself.
So here are some images of her work, I have to point out though some of the flowers look unbelievably real, I can assure you they are made from sugar paste.
How lovely to see a working sketch.
is a fantastic idea, that the bride and groom can keep. The cake gets eaten but you have a beautiful sketch of your precious cake.
So delicate
Beautiful ranunculus, love these colours
My wedding cake
She is also on Facebook, so if you like what you see, go and support her and like her page too.
She is an unbelievably nice person too, she would make this part of your wedding so special, so if you, or anyone you know are getting married and want an experience and cake to remember, she's your girl.
All photos are from her website x
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
peony burst
I'm is crazy busy and I am neglecting you. I Am just so exhausted at the end of the day I just want to slob on the sofa and switch off. When I came back to this space I swore I would not feel guilty about it....but I do. I'm sorry if you are bored of my flowers, but that is what is rocking my world right now. What is not however, is the builders and conservatory company who haven't got a clue what customer service is, or a phone for that matter. Whose flipping idea was it to get a conservatory built in the middle of our busiest time of year in the gallery. Sorry to my Facebook followers who at the moment are only seeing the same photos. It will get more exciting soon I promise. Keep reading, I love to know you're there. Thanks for all the lovely comments. I'm sorry I don't get the time to reply to each one, but I read, and smile. Ok, enough of the Sorry's now, goodnight xxx
Thursday, July 26, 2012
this was my day
Rafferty's first day in nursery.....he loved tears from anyone flowers everywhere.....
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Whoopppeeeeeeeee, look what I can do with Picmonkey. I finished this painting (bottom image) and I cropped it slightly in picmonkey which looks nice as a composition but then I managed to put one of their frames around it. It will give me a whole host of ideas for framing. I don't usually frame my paintings as they are on deep canvases but I think this finishes these flower ones off beautifully.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Summer flowers
With all the gorgeous colourful Summer flowers around at the moment, I felt inspired to paint this today. There is a lovely article in Country living this month with stunning photos of fields of wild flowers which I wanted to paint.
There are a lot of bright florals around at the moment in fashion and interiors and I have been dying to have a go. I haven't painted for a few days, I paint Tues, Weds, Thurs and sometimes a Friday. and for some reason I just wanted to flit around a few canvases today just experimenting. I am actually really happy with the result. I might have a play tomorrow too and see where we get. Thursday is finishing a commission of Burgh Island.
See you tomorrow x
Monday, July 23, 2012
The Twits
This was our Saturday....... We are one of six businesses in our town that organise events in Beaumaris castle in which all profits go to charity. This Saturday we organised for Illyria theatre company to come and perform Roald Dahls, The Twits. Could we have asked for a more perfect day of weather? We sold out on the day, no surprise, and had to sell extras as there were literally children crying when I told them we had sold out!!!! So more than 600 people sat down and laughed their socks off for 2 hours.
I am more so unbelievably proud to say that we have raised over £2000 for Sands, maybe even more but figures are still coming in. This is a charity WE chose as it is very close to mine and Sean's hearts, after we lost our little girl Poppy in 2009.
The day was brilliant, really brilliant. A lot of hard work but so satisfying to see the smiles on everyones faces as they were leaving. One little girl came up to me at the end thanking me and told me it was the best night of her life!
So if you fancy a great day or night out this Summer, check out Illyrias schedule, you won't be disappointed.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Music in my life
We need some colour in our lives and cheeks. Instead we added music.
What a busy old week....and long. Raffy isn't quite himself, another blasted tooth causing him and us sleepless nights. The gallery has been REALLY busy, some schools finished so they are all starting to arrive for holidays. We weren't quite prepared so have been cleared out of so many things so amidst the madness I had to do a mad stock collection this morning of framed prints of mine. Doctors this afternoon, seven deliveries in the gallery and more unpacking of deliveries. Gorgeous new products, I'm excited to show you next week.
I've been listening to wonderful Beth Orton. She reminds me of my favourite job (bar this one) working in a coffee bar in the Northern quarter in Manchester. That was a good Summer. It's been a long time but she is releasing a new album in time for us to to see her in December.
And another I have been humming all day..... the beautiful Feist.
Happy weekend all. xxx
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I love peeling paint....sadly our local boat sheds have been torn down and I wasn't quick enough to salvage any of the wood. I love the patterns in the top photo.
There have been glimpses of sun in the last couple of days but our favourite pastime is still hunt the puddle and splash splash splash. We even got a local shopkeeper joining us yesterday, so out of character but he just couldn't resist, think it made him feel 5 again.
Even when the sun is out Raffy insists on wearing his wells, I literally cannot put anything else on him.
Work is starting on our extension on Monday so I shall keep you updated on the carnage. We are ripping up 50 sq ft of quarry tiles to be replaced by beautiful white wooden floors.
I am off to finish a commission of St Ives, I haven't painted Cornwall for a while so its a real treat. Dreaming of a holiday.....
Saturday, July 14, 2012
He bangs the drums
What is with this weather? We need some sun, I googled "things to do with an 18 month old" yesterday as we had exhausted finger painting, baking, play doh, water play, films, toys, books etc etc. The problem is my boy likes to be outside, he is an outdoors type through and through. So when the rain just didn't stop yesterday we donned our wells and embraced it. In a Peppa pig style we went in search of puddles to jump in. It made me so happy to just watch him jump and splash to his hearts content in the biggest puddle ever. Oh we did have fun and I had to prize his wellies from his feet last night, he nearly went to bed in them, he is in love with them.
p.s How gorgeous are these flowers from my friends garden? I can't stop looking at them, summer in a vase.
Right, a film and a snuggle tonight, what film though, anyone have any recommendations? x
Thursday, July 12, 2012
glimpse of my studio....before
I have had a major magazine get in touch wanting to do a feature on me and my studio!!! I am bursting inside with excitement but I am pretty ashamed of my studio in the state that is is right now. It serves me well but I think it could be a lot more inspiring. It is in the back of the gallery....bonus, and it has a whole wall of frosted windows, so tonnes of natural light....double bonus it just isn't very organised.
I have been coveting some plan chests for a few years now and have been scouring ebay but can't justify the huge prices. I thought I had found something that "would do" in Ikea but they still weren't perfect and this time I just want to get it right. So I went to see a local carpenter yesterday who was really enthusiastic to make me some pieces for less than half the price and made to my exact measurements. I am very happy to be supporting someone local too and not be buying from the Swedish giants once again. So these are the before shots....and in a few weeks time I will hopefully show you my after ones.
I can't say anything more yet about the magazine but its definitely one of my all time faces so this is more than a bit exciting xxxx