
Wednesday, August 01, 2012

peony burst

I'm is crazy busy and I am neglecting you.  I Am just so exhausted at the end of the day I just want to slob on the sofa and switch off. When I came back to this space I swore I would not feel guilty about it....but I do. I'm sorry if you are bored of my flowers, but that is what is rocking my world right now.  What is not however, is the builders and conservatory company who haven't got a clue what customer service is, or a phone for that matter. Whose flipping idea was it to get a conservatory built in the middle of our busiest time of year in the gallery. Sorry to my Facebook followers who at the moment are only seeing the same photos. It will get more exciting soon I promise. Keep reading, I love to know you're there. Thanks for all the lovely comments.  I'm sorry I don't get the time to reply to each one, but I read, and smile.  Ok, enough of the Sorry's now, goodnight xxx


  1. ah...nighty night. your flowers are very beautiful and make me smile so no complaints here. i am sensing the stress of the renovations so can only imagine it's a million times worse in the eye of the storm. but it will be so worth it and look amazing! xx

  2. Bored? Never, Janet. It is always a joy for me to witness your creativity. =) Thanks!
    Gracie xxx

  3. What an amazing picture.

    I love it!

    Don't feel guilty! Hugs x

  4. Adele5:03 PM

    Lovely work, bold but restful. Never feel guilty for not posting - it's supposed to be a pleasure, not a chore.

  5. Anonymous7:49 PM

    These are the kind of posts I like best, not too long, and some gorgeous pictures to drool over. Beautiful flower paintings!



I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx