
Friday, August 01, 2008

My orchid is blooming, the secret is pay it no attention and don't water it.


  1. sounds like my kind of a plant! Love your latest work. I have a birthday coming up soon and am hoping to treat myself to one of your lovely prints! I shall be in touch.

  2. pretty painting!

    i have an abandoned orchid that does well too...i think when they get in a place they like they look after themselves somehow : )

    happy weekend wishes! xxx

  3. oh p.s. your new header is great!

  4. I have three orchids like this. ANd I love your painting!

  5. Well, your work still make me happy.....and I simply don't know how you make your Orchids grow! I all ready "tried" no attention and no water ;0)

  6. How wanderful - this painting brings a smile to my face xx

  7. First time I have found your blog and here I am in my native Cornwall! Beautiful images xx

  8. Hi, Janet
    I had to look up Beaumaris to find out where it was on Google maps. There were some photos there with pix of the castles, the seaside homes and boats. Had I not looked this up I would not have realized how wonderfully your paintings depict the area. They are just beautiful. I would love to visit there some day.

  9. Oh thank you for the advice. And what a lovely painting! It opened my heart. Thank you.


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx