
Sunday, May 11, 2008

How to start a Sunday, breakfast outside and playing cards in the Sun (note to self, eat outside more often). Finishing paintings for the Devon show. This one is very big, 30x40 inches. Also available as a limited edition print with a edition size of just 20. Available from Baxters Gallery, Dartmouth.
Hope everyone is having a sunny and happy weekend!


  1. Oh that is such a gorgeous painting. We've stayed in Dartmouth quite a few times and that is just perfect! I totally agree about eating outside too. We've been doing it a lot this last week with the lovely weather. x

  2. I just love your paintings. They are so fresh and what I call pure & happy. The colours are fab !

    Devon is very close to my heart as my dad grew up on Dartmoor, my Grandad was a prison officer at Princetown and my Uncle was the band leader for the Royal Marines and I think spent a lot of his younger years at the Naval College in Dartmouth.

    I'll pop in again soon.


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx