
Friday, May 16, 2008

Another finished and available from Baxters, Devon.
I'm grumpy today because hubby has jetted off to Cannes film festival without me. He will be working, and having meetings but even so, he packed lots of pairs of shorts, and his tuxedo so I imagine there will be a bit of red carpet action, star spotting, chmpagne drinking and watching films on the beach in the sun! Next year I am going!!!! x


  1. that beach looks so inviting...wonderful colours.

  2. hey not fair!
    have your own little film festival at home with lots of treats + your best dress : )
    hmmm...not quite the same. but you can go next year + that's quite fabulous! if only it was shorts weather here. where did the heat go?
    have a lovely weekend xxx
    p.s. love the painting!

  3. I love this painting! I've just had a look at Baxters gallery website and your collection is fab! x


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