
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Having fun

I've got some exhibitions coming up, first in Sarah Wiseman gallery at the end of March and then in May a rather large two man show in Baxters, Dartmouth. More on that soon.
So I'm really enjoying doing some still life work. I am painting things I love, fairy cakes, my vases, bowls, seasides and spots!
It feels very me!

Ok, I'm off to a wonderful treasure trove of a shop looking for a nice little cabinet to display some jewellery I am getting in the gallery. Bye for now....x


  1. lovely! how nice to focus on those nice things you like : ) i can tell you've had fun! x

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog Janet. Glad you like the portrait piece. I'm enjoying the blogging but struggling with links etc. I love these new "double" paintings on your blog - your work always looks so lovely!


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx