
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

New direction

Gosh, where is the year going. I am trying new things. Working hard for my solo show at Sarah Wiseman gallery that starts 5th May. More info soon.

Can I just say how much the spring flowers are bringing joy to my life this year. For some reason I am noticing blossom, buds, bursts of colour so much more this year and filling my home with them. Simple pleasures.
I have to mention the book by Kat Heyes, Happy Campers. Everyone should own this book, if simply for the recipes. A fun and also informative book about the joys of camping. Roll on the summer so we can get those tents out and do a bit of cloud watching, star gazing and mmmm bbq's. Bye for now xx


  1. Beautiful this direction!!!!!! xx

  2. What a fantastic painting! I really love this. The composition reminds me of another artist who I can't quite remember the name of... dag nam it!

    I have bought the happy camper book for my other half for his birthday. I couldn't help but have a flick through before I wrapped it though and it looks brilliant.

    Anyway, have a great easter weekend! xx


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx