
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

another year older

Here is another painting in my new collection ready for my solo show. I've got 16 finished so far but still a few to go, and some pieces on paper to frame and time is ticking quite rapidly now. But I took the weekend off!!!!
Had the most wonderful time. I was whisked away on Sunday night to a beautiful hotel on Llandudno seafront called Osborne House. The bed was so high it had ladders up to it. We had afternoon tea sitting in the window people watching and listening to Punch and Judy. The sun came out yesterday late morning and after a four mile stroll around the Great Orme we had ice cream on the pier and played Bingo. Pretty much the perfect day for me. And now back to my brandspankingneweasel! that's easel not weasel!!!
Thank you so much for the kind birthday wishes through comments and emails xxxx


  1. Ooh that new painting is fantastic! I really love your new direction.

    Did you win at bingo? Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  2. sounds wonderful Janet!!
    Love this new piece too!! xx

  3. Thank you for your nice comment.

    Many happy returns {belatedly}. We went to Llandudno for the first time last year, such a beautiful place even in the rain, with a rain soaked layered mountain backdrop.

    Looking forward to your exhibition.

  4. just love your paintings and style!!
    xo maditi


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx