
Monday, March 12, 2007

popping my head in

Hello strangers, sorry it's been a while! I have been working on this commission for some Chartered surveyors offices in Manchester. I have really enjoyed doing it. researching, laying with compositions, drawing and painting in a different way. it is huge. The brief was architecture, so I decided to do "The greatest city in the world and included some of my favourite buildings. This is probably the biggest piece I have worked on to date. I was initially daunted by the size but loved it. It is less finicky and you feel much freer working at this scale.
I will be hiring a van and delivering it at the end of the week.

The weeks are flying by. I've been planning and starting work for my solo exhibition at Sarah Wiseman gallery in May, this is immediately followed by a show at baxters in Devon entitled "B is for" and the paintings can be anything beginning with the letter b. What fun!
Two weeks ago I sent out my new brochures to several galleries and the following morning, Whistlefish, a chain of galleries in Cornwall phoned with an order for hundreds!!! I'm absolutely over the moon. So I have been busy signing and packing hundreds of limited edition pr intswhich will be off in the post today. It really is manic here.....but wonderful.
This week is also The Affordable Art fair in London, starting Thursday. If anyone would like tickets just drop me a line.
I'm hoping to be back tomorrow with some links, just felt i just pop my head in quickly. I haven't even had the time to stop by my favourite blogs for a while so hopefully will catch up a bit this week. Bye for now xxx


  1. Janet this is all excellent news CONGRATS!!!!! You do deserve it!
    And this painting is wonderful!!!
    How big is it?

  2. Hi Julie
    It is 6ftx7ft, pretty big for me! x

  3. I was going to ask how big it was too. That's massive!! Congrats on your print success. I know the Whistlefish galleries well. Your work will look great there! Do you remember the first time you had a brochure printed and sent out? Was it scary?

  4. My, oh my was it scary? You feel like you are saying "Do you like my work or not?" The comeback is apparently 5% but it has been even less in the past for me. Like sending hundreds of invitations out for an exhibition and just say five people show. But wow the five people make it worth it, not just financially! It can be deflating but you must keep going! xxx

  5. wow thats fantastic news, well done! the painting is huge but works brilliantly

  6. sorry that should say - the painting is huge AND works brilliantly - no butts about it!


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx