
Thursday, March 22, 2007

My St Ives

Hey strangers. The last two weeks have just been hectic! Fairs, deliveries, signings, hangings, painting, the list goes on but I have found new energy within me that I didn't know existed. I think its called adrenalin. So after all that tomorrow morning we are off to Cornwall for a well deserved three day break. It is a sort of business trip too, delivering eight paintings to the lovely Avalon gallery in Marazion and also for a meeting with Whistlefish galleries regarding my prints. All very exciting! But I definitely think there will be plenty of time to squeeze in a visit to the Tate St Ives, the Barbara Hepworth museum, many of the 50 or more galleries and craft shops that are scattered in St Ives. Also some good walks on the beach, relaxing lunches, bit of paddling, people watching, photograph taking, gin and tonic drinking and much much more. Oh I love Cornwall, I feel like I am going home. That is where my heart is, sigh....maybe one day!

I will be back Monday with hopefully some good photos and new artist finds. xxxx

Monday, March 12, 2007

popping my head in

Hello strangers, sorry it's been a while! I have been working on this commission for some Chartered surveyors offices in Manchester. I have really enjoyed doing it. researching, laying with compositions, drawing and painting in a different way. it is huge. The brief was architecture, so I decided to do "The greatest city in the world and included some of my favourite buildings. This is probably the biggest piece I have worked on to date. I was initially daunted by the size but loved it. It is less finicky and you feel much freer working at this scale.
I will be hiring a van and delivering it at the end of the week.

The weeks are flying by. I've been planning and starting work for my solo exhibition at Sarah Wiseman gallery in May, this is immediately followed by a show at baxters in Devon entitled "B is for" and the paintings can be anything beginning with the letter b. What fun!
Two weeks ago I sent out my new brochures to several galleries and the following morning, Whistlefish, a chain of galleries in Cornwall phoned with an order for hundreds!!! I'm absolutely over the moon. So I have been busy signing and packing hundreds of limited edition pr intswhich will be off in the post today. It really is manic here.....but wonderful.
This week is also The Affordable Art fair in London, starting Thursday. If anyone would like tickets just drop me a line.
I'm hoping to be back tomorrow with some links, just felt i just pop my head in quickly. I haven't even had the time to stop by my favourite blogs for a while so hopefully will catch up a bit this week. Bye for now xxx

Monday, March 05, 2007


It's grey and cold outside. My palette reflects this.

Sorry for lack of posts. Working every hour at the moment xx

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blue harbour

The Affordable art fair in London is fast aproaching! I will be there represented by Pond gallery, London. It is on 15-18 March in Battersea Park, London. It is a great show with over 125 galleries from across the world exhibiting, each representing several artists.

If anyone would like to go please let me know. I have unlimited tickets that are free for two people on the Friday and half price on Saturday or Sunday. It is an inspirational visit and you may even pick yourself up a piece of art as everything is priced between £30 and £3,000.

Just leave me a comment with your email address and I will sort you out with some tickets.

Happy Thursday folks! xx

p.s Oh and I have to once again share with you the crazy mesmerizing world of Joke Schole. This website makes me want to learn Dutch!!