
Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I love buttons so much. On my recent trip to London I could not help myself in Liberty, I just had to buy a few, they have some beautiful ones. The thing is I never do anything with them. At the moment they just sit in jars and bowls and tubes everywhere waiting for jobs.
So anyway......
I had a revelation today! I have never felt completely happy in my studio since moving in 18 months ago. I didn't ever have the time to paint it white properly so I have the remnants of a toddlers sky and clouds inspired bedroom. I really need to redecorate and reorganise but it is such a big job there is just no time at all at the moment. I know I should really make the time as it is the space i spend at least 10 hours a day in there it really should be as important as the rest of the house.
So what happened? What revelation?
I lit a candle!!!! That's all, not just any old candle but a 'never a dull day' candle a dear friend bought for me. The smell is Vine tomato, and love it so. It reminds me of greenhouses and Summer and on a day like today, that has not stopped raining, smells and hopes of Summer are more than welcome. I thoroughly recommend this candle, it is a bit pricey but worth every penny, the added warmth and light just finally made my studio feel like home. It has most definitely changed my mood today and my studio is 'Hygge' at last.
This is a Danish word that I have been brought up with. I don't think I have ever been to my Mum's house without there being candles lit and a real feeling of Hygge. For a really good explanation of the word, go here or here. This is also a great shop in London, and this is one of my favourite blogs. So there we go, Hygge in a nutshell!

And finally, this wonderful piece arrived today from the lovely Julie at Handmaid. It is so much nicer in the flesh and I have just the place for it. So a very good day was had by all. Thank you!
Oh and I nearly forgot last nights Joanna Newsom was magical. She is so so talented, her voice is truly unique and sounds more sophisticated live than on her albums. She played with a full orchestra which was mesmerising. If you have the chance to see her on this tour, go see, you will not be disappointed if just for her kooky nature and performance. Goodnight folks.
Smell Summer! xxx


  1. My studio is far, far from hygge...its amazing what a candle can do to change ones mood - good for you!!!
    And i think the buttons collecting everywhere may be a sign for you to get back to textiles a little...
    Seeing your wonderful talent in painting, I would love to see your textile work..pleeeese! xxx

  2. I'm working on it believe me, soon xxx


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