
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's TOASTie in here!

Everything is taking twice as long as normal so far this year. I had a strict diary/timetable planned for January and according to that I am 2/3 weeks behind, which is why I haven't been around much. You see, these blogs take me far too long, I haven't quite cracked it yet....I am also the worst person for getting distracted, and finding distractions! I can spend hours every night reading blogs, leaving comments and writing emails and something will have to change. Though I love it so my work load is suffering. I have new work coming in daily and I am way behind. Also, I am really excited that I am in talks about illustrating a childrens book and the time I am spending on this every night I need to start working on that. So for a while i will just be posting on a Wednesday, it will be a big one but just now I can only afford to spend one evening a week on it. I just need to get my head down for a bit .

I will leave you today with a few things I love this week!

Elly Wall ceramics

The colour combination in this print by Atelier Lzc (I pretty much love everything they do.)

This print by Beci orpin is on my wish wish wish list (I secretly think I am getting it for my birthday)

Wallpaper, I wish I knew where I found this I have just written "wood paper" in my notes?!?

and the wonderful world of Julie Morstad.

and finally the Toast sale, It is quite unbelievable!!!!
Goodnight, I'll be back soon xxx


    - new comtemprory 2 collection ;)

    love these links
    I also linked to Elly wall a few weeks back! LOVE...

  2. Hello Janet,

    Thank you for your message, I agree about time. Exciting about your illustration opportunity! Your appreciation of the coast is wonderful.

    Atelier lzc & Beci Orpin, fantastic!


  3. Was about to say Cole and Son but Julie beat me to it so I'll just say 'Hi' nice blog and thanks for reminding me about the work of Lucy Casson, i get so lost in blogland I forget to see what new works people are making sometimes.

  4. thanks for the post! yes brighton is great and i can see the sea! although my dream is to live in a cottage in the country maybe we should swop. i was going to tell you the paper is from cole and son but i've been beaten to it twice. i have been lusting after it for a while. great blog. kxx


I love your comments and will try my best to answer any questions you have in my next post but will often reply to your comments here xx