
Thursday, May 31, 2012

200 today

I'm a lucky girl..... my husband loves to cook AND is very good at it.  I used to enjoy cooking but actually don't have much patience to follow recipes anymore.  I just tend to whip things up quite quickly, with whatever I can find it usually works but he is most definitely the cook in the house.  The last two evenings we have enjoyed the above two very simple recipes.  We got the sea bream for just £2 each which I thought was a bit of a bargain.  It is a delicious fish.
The little one has enjoyed these meals with us, he is mostly a very good eater and eats whatever we do.  One thing he doesn't seem to like is pasta?!?!?!?

Anyhow, I think today is my 200th post, I can't quite believe that...... 

This is what I wrote in my first post SIX years ago

This may be just a big mess because I have spent the last hour trying to work this out. I remember now why I didn't start this blog six months ago. I will not let this beat me! I am not a computer whizz, oh no siree, not at all. However my boyfriend who is beside me is a fantastic website designer. But I can do this on my own. Only because he does not have time to help me. So, yes I wanted to start this 6 months ago when I discovered the whole blogging community. I am now an avid reader of about 20 posts by lots of lovely crafty ladies around the world and every day I am amazed and inspired by the talent that is out there. I am an artist myself, I paint, every day from my studio at home and today I have relaunched my website!!! More of that to come. I studied multi media textiles 9 years ago and still do a bit but its getting messy with paint that I do for a living. Textiles is still my true love but I am afraid that if I veer that way I will not be able to make a living from it, instead I keep it as a sideline and a retreat. But each day I am inspired more to get back to my sewing machine and draw with that needle again. Anyway I hope to give a little back and give you some little tales from the life of an artist. Anyway I think that is enough for today as it will probably take me an age to get it up and running. But I need to say thank you to Abigail/Camilla/Amy and Karin who encouraged me to just do it. More soon when I figure this thing out. i think i just managed to add a photo, who knows???!!! I did, I am now editing this and hours later I am beginning to figure it out. Thanks Abigail again!!!!
What a sense of achievement.
Over and out

Things have changed quite a lot in our lives since then but what is still the same is I am no computer whizz and still trying xxxxx

Thanks to everyone who has supported me through some pretty hard times and lots of good times too. I love to read your comments, heres to the next 200 xxxxxx

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

So here are some from photos from our super day yesterday, still on a come down, I have been playing with pic monkey again and getting used to my mac and having lots of fun, I'll show you the results tomorrow as my eyes are starting to go square and its bed and book time.

In other news, the two winners picked randomly by Rafferty are Sweet pea and Nico. Please email me to claim your lovely goodies xxxx

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

the suspense

I said I would be back with more photos and winners tonight but I am totally done in after such an early start and trying to get my head around a mac after a pc is going to take some time.  I ill do it properly tomorrow, sorry x

My water baby and Kate Middleton

Oh what a started at 5.45am as the whole of Beaumaris and Anglesey started to prepare for the Olympic torch coming through the town.  I was more than a little excited as it left the castle at 7am and went straight past the gallery a minute later.  We then ran down to the seafront and had booked a pod on the wheel which is in town for a fortnight and watched the torch head down the Menai straits on the lifeboat. It was such an amazing atmosphere made all the more exciting by the addition of HRH the duchess of Cambridge being present, on a boat!!!!!  Rumours had been spreading like wildfire all week that she would be here, as she lives just up the road.

The atmosphere was just amazing especially as the sun was shining from 6am and by 8am it was all over. A gang of us were sitting in our garden with coffee and croissants in the sun.  we then spent a fun few hours in the town paddling pool and on the beach, little R is definitely a water baby.

I have splurged on a new computer today so will be uploading some more photos tonight to show you the wondrous sights from the ground and up on the wheel, if you look closely you might see her on a boat.... I will also be announcing the 2 lucky readers to my giveaway....see you later folks x

three days in a row we have been in this paddling pool, who needs a holiday abroad?????

Monday, May 28, 2012

spots and stripes

I'm still testing the look of my blog, I am in love with picmonkey and have spent rather too much time on there today......but I love the polaroid look, keep commenting on my last post for a chance to win some seasidey goodies xx



Whoopsy, I was doing a giveaway over on my facebook but apparently that is a BIG facebook no no.

So, I am doing it on here instead. I was offering three prizes and one has already gone but there are still 2 up for grabs. So, if you leave me a comment on here I will pop you all in a hat and pick out 2 random names for some of my lovely new soaps and my tea towel as prizes. Yipeeee, just beacause its sunny, its Monday and I'm happy.......x
And to any of my facebook likers, welcome to my blog........

p.s I will choose a winner tomorrow evening

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Sundays

Happy SUNday All, what a lovely treat this weather is, I feel like I'm on holiday, a bit giddy, or maybe that's the gin and tonic I just enjoyed. I hope everyone is enjoying the remainder of this beautiful weekend. Welcome to any new readers, I think I've got a few this weekend after sneaky Lucy sung my praises....blush, back tomorrow xx

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, May 25, 2012


1. I love forget me nots
2. What wonderful weather
3. Will this ever be finished
4. I treated Raffy to this indoor outdoor tent after seeing it on attic 24. The best buy this year, happy house x

Have a happy weekend all x

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, May 24, 2012

blue and orange

There's not much I enjoy as much as a good scavenge. We had a heads up that they had started pulling down the old sheds in our boatyard up the road so a friend and I headed off early this morning for a good route. No sign of the sheds coming down yet but I filled a huge bag with treasure, in the form of bits and pieces of wood and boat. I love looking round this yard. Its full of old fishermen and boaty folk and has such a great working atmosphere. Of course they thought we were mad routing on the floor for scraps and one even gave me an old mast, bonus!!! They allowed us a peek in their sheds and oh my, a treasure trove of goodness, my eyes couldn't take it all in. We had a quick coffee in the sun on the waters aede and I was back at the easel by 11 to finish a commission I will share in the next few days.

Got to go now, boys to feed but wanted to share

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A smile

Vintage tea towel I had to have framed....doesn't this weather make you want to smile all day

Long may it last x

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Come on in

A little sneak peek of my little house, as promised, but please be aware I have done no tidying or styling of pictures because if I had really done that these photos would never have come so please take us as you find us, so come in, I'll put the kettle on x

I love my Orla Kiely crock pot, I could finally get rid of the plastic brown bin that found itself residing on our worktop but if I moved it it just didn't get used so now we are back to recycling and composting.
I'm embarrassed if you look closer about the hideous football bowl, but we all have the odd ugly thing slip in, right?  I couldn't banish everything hubby owned....

Hanging from the doorknob on the right is little R's race for life medal.  He got pushed, ran and toddled his way around 5km this Sunday and between him and his Mormor raised over £300.  I was due  to do it with them but had double booked with my VW festival (more on that tomorrow.) In case there are those out there who don't know but Mormor is Danish for Mum's mum, and as I am half Danish that's what my Mum is to him.

There seems to be a lot of blue and white in our house doesn't there?

 trying to capture the gallery of family photos on our stairs is proving difficult, will try again. Its an ongoing project and I have at least another 30 to go up, but the only time we have for diy is when R's asleep and that is not the best time to start hammering.

 a rare splash of red with this cheap Ikea rug but it feels very seasidey to me. One of my very favourite pieces of art in the house is the print in the bathroom by Australian artist Beci Orpin, I saw it a few years ago on someone elses blog and just had to have it. Its so Scandinavian.

My small collection of Dala horses on the landing, I have quite a few others dotted around......and a couple of paintings by Sasha Harding, a good friend and most probably my favourite living artist. We do have 5 of hers, I just can't stop.....they definitely make me smile.

A very untidy little ones bedroom, but to be honest its not often very tidy so hey ho, maybe I should have tidied it for you. Its only going to get worse isn't it???

 I start off well with perfectly placed items but things just get shoved where there's a spare bit of shelf at the end of a busy day.

So thats a little peek, I will post some more when I get another sunny day as it really is a dark house, well not an awful lot of natural light xx
Any questions about where anything might be from I can answer in the next post. I'm sorry I just don't have the time to reply to each comment individually, much as i would LOVE to, and love your comments xxx

Betty Flo's big day out

So this was my weekend......I did our first...... and last VW show. Don't get me wrong it was fun to do but a lot of hard work on a weekend I normally spend with my boys. It was an early car boot kind of early, eurrggghhhh. This is the kind of thing I would like to do on a Sunday, but be on the other side of the table. I love having my gallery and people choose to come to me, but putting yourself out there is a different thing altogether. You have to be quite thick skinned and when you are selling a quality product, handmade in the UK right next to a stall selling made in China, what can you do? Smile sweetly that's what but I think I'll just stick to my gallery in the future.
Thank god the sun was shining and a good friend sat with me all day Sunday, thanks xxx

 Someone had to help me rearrange.

 I'll just stick to our fun days out and picnics, talking of which, Its a Barbecue in Betty Flo kind of day.