
Thursday, April 29, 2010


I just finished this commission of Polperro in Cornwall for a lovely couple.
Polperro is one of the strangest, most delightful places I have ever been to in Cornwall. It had an almost magical feel to it, I can't describe it. Its made up of higgledy piggledy houses which of course I love but it seems such a creative little hub. It seems like the locals really really care about their village. There are no big corporate companies there so far, and that the way they like it.

This photo made me smile, lovely hubby was taking photos of our new placemats to go on the website but if you look closer you can see his funny little feet in the picture. I say funny little feet because I always tell him his toes are so straight you could use them instead of a spirit level.

Then someone recently told him he had the most perfect feet they had ever seen. DOH!!!! Oh, he LOVED that!!!

If you happen to be in Brighton, I have some originals and prints in the Yellow house Art open house as part of the Brighton festival. Over 243 venues are showing the work of over 1000 artists, amazing. Just wish I could go down to see some great art and craft.

Hoping for good weather this bank holiday weekend. Have a great one.....x

Friday, April 09, 2010

VW heaven

I promised it is.

We bought her on Boxing day, in the snow. She is 31 years old, likes the sunshine and her name is Betty Flo. She is a beauty is she not????

We had our first real outing in her yesterday. Of course, she broke down, on the top of a mountain in Waunfawr looking out over the Llyn Peninsula, Caernarfon castle, The rivals and even out to Llanddwyn Island on Anglesey, so who cares. Its exactly where I would have chosen to stop to admire the view. Just not necessarily blocking a single track lane miles from civilisation....whoops. But after some good advice on bump starting while in 2nd gear rolling down the hill she decided to have a go again. We got so many waves, thumbs up and beeps it was so exciting. We stalled....ooohhhh, about 40 times on most junctions and roundabouts, and when you have your name plastered on the side its not perhaps the best, but smile politely and 99% of the time people will cheer you on. Only one irate, impatient lady gave us a not so friendly hoot.
My shoulders are aching, a small blister on my left hand but I got out at the end of the day and can honestly say it was one of the best days of my life. So there you go, some colour is back.

(Looking out to sea over to Snowdonia)

She is parked up on the Green in Beaumaris, overlooking the sea and mountains. I have had morning coffee sat in her twice this week, a staff meeting and if it is nice tonight I might just treat the hubby to fish and chips and a game of cards.

All is good xxx

(Anna and Kriket)