
Monday, November 23, 2009

A little hello


I have been overwhelmed by the well wishes and touching comments that have been made regarding my previous post. Just thank you so much for taking the time to write a few words. I have read them all over and over again, and they have helped me, particular thanks to Shropshire Suz and Kari......touched me deep inside. We are on the mend, tiny steps though but life is returning to some kind of normal.

Things making me happy this week

1. Bowls of beautiful buttons sitting on the counter in the gallery (above)

2. A weekend spent with friends and lots of smiles and laughter

3. Chicken broth

4. Evenings spent on the sofa snuggling with hubby

5. Planning a trip to Paris next week (an early Christmas present)

6. Painting again!!!!!

Lots and lots of love to each and every person who reads this little old blog of mine. xxx

Monday, October 19, 2009

This is going to be very very difficult. I have drafted this post many many times and couldn't bring myself to post it. I feel I owe an explanation for my complete absence. Our little girl Poppy was born on 30th March on her due date but devastatingly only brightened this world for 7 short hours. She was simply beautiful. She died of an infection quite unexpectedly. A complete shock to all. Words cannot possibly describe the last six months so I am not even going to try. What I can say is that we are finally seeing light at the end of a dark tunnel and finding simple pleasures in life again. I am not going to say anymore as tears are flowing and this is very hard. Maybe I will be back here one day, but right now we still need the comfort, safety and continual support of our most amazing family and friends who have been just incredible and got us through this past six months.
With love xx

Friday, March 06, 2009

It surpisingly snowed here on Wednesday night, so we jumped in the car at 5pm and headed into the heart of Snowdonia....beautiful and unexpected. I feel very lucky to live by the sea but be 25 minutes from stunning mountains. You must visit sometime. x

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Mussels for dinner

New painting and original available to buy in the gallery 30x30 inches.
Not liking this miserable weather all of a sudden!!!
p.s thanks for the sewing machine advice, I bought a simple Janome one, think it will do the job, looking forward to getting started

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm a mug

Hello all,
So I have some mugs out, I'm kind of shy to say that my designs were picked by Dunoon to grace their mugs. I don't like to blow my own trumpet, even though its my job and I have to promote myself. I just do what I do and love my job. To think that other people like what I do enough to want to buy something fills me with absolute joy.

Anyway, back to the mugs, it all started about 6 months ago when they approached me, I was of course thrilled but couldn't quite visualise them. They have done a great job, I just wanted to point out that the bottom mug in the picture has the harbour by night scene (shown below) on one side, and the harbour by day(also shown below) when you hold the mug the other side. When the 2 images are together they create one picture.

They are fine bone china and come in a box and if anyone is interested they are available to buy here .
I did the two paintings in late 2007 as I had an idea for a childrens book in mind. The prints are here and the cards are here. They are still some of my favourites.

The place doesn't exist, only in my head, I wanted to create a harbour where lots of fun things might happen, conversations with the seagulls and the boats. It is something I am still working on, mainly in my head but would love to tackle one day. The hubby is also a very talented illustrator/animator/computer person so it would be a project we would like to do together perhaps. I think its the kind of thing I will have fun planning at those 2, 4 and 6 o clock in the morning feeding times that are fast approaching.

It is also a coincidence that the mugs come out this week as the image below also appeared here. Lucy over at Attic 24 so deserves her success this week being featured in not one but two magazines and to see they used my card with her crochet bunting was a thrill. She has a truly delightful blog that inspires many and her nature and honesty is so welcome in this blogging world. Her blog is always a riot of colour and a joy to read. We had a customer in the gallery today actually ask "have you seen Attic 24 today?" My poor husband didn't have a clue what she was talking about but then proceeded to phone me at home and asked " have you heard of Attic 24", well of course I have I replied.

So, there you go Lucy, fame in Anglesey too, people are talking about you!!!

(below is one of her delightful crochet brooches)

We share a love of colour. Although I sometimes feel I want to live in a cool calm grown up world of whites blue and greys , I am a big kid at heart and my heart leaps at bursts of colour, I guess you can probably tell from my painting.

Wow, this is one of my longest blogs to date. I am now off to search the net for a sewing machine. I want a cheapy cheap one, nothing fancy, I just want to have a play with some applique bits and bobs. Got a few little projects in mind. However I would like it to be able to do machine embroidery to. I have bought and sold and bought and sold so many sewing machines since leaving college 12 years ago which is why I don't want to spend a lot. I quite fancy this red one . I'm sure I am just being seduced by the colour and the fact it has been in tonnes of magazines recently. Any advice would be so much appreciated, if its rubbish, then tell me.
So, hope you are all having a great weekend, byeeeeee.........

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunny Slapton

This is the whole painting finished. Click to enlarge. It is 76x100cm. The original will be in Baxters gallery in Dartmouth next week and limited editions on my website next week too. Back soon x

Thursday, February 12, 2009

People at Slapton Sands

Part of a very large painting, 30x40 inches to be exact. This is my first attempt at people in a painting. Had lots of fun with it, making up little life stories for them in my head. Practice makes perfect! When its finished this will be available as a limited edition print. Part of my new Devon collection....coming soon! Babies in bellies having hiccups is an odd sensation! x

Saturday, February 07, 2009

We seem to be the only place in the UK without snow, every day has seemed nearer to Spring for us this week. So while bloggers all over are posting beautifully white snowy images I am going all out with colour.

We seem to be the only place in the UK without snow, every day has seemed nearer to Spring for us this week. So while bloggers all over are posting beautifully white snowy images I am going all out with colour.
My nesting instinct has completely taken over. With just seven weeks left I suddenly want to redecorate everywhere. I am not crazy enough to attempt any of this myself so painters and decorators are arriving first thing Monday morning. It all started when I found
this website and had an urge to tackle the most uninspiring room in the house, the Utility room. The thing is we both have to walk through it every day to our office and studios so I would like to feel inspired by it. With the help of the amazing deckchair fabrics above and a little turquoise paint lets hope it will become a room of its own and not just a walkway. Before and after photos will follow.
The other room we are tackling is the living room. Admittedly, no surprise to you all I LOVE colour but I have always wanted one room in the house to be Swedish, French inspired. Pale greys, whites, sage, charcoal, blue etc etc. THIS is my very favourite shop and inspiration for the room. Owned by a former stylist from London, with incredible taste and style. To start with the walls are being painted grey and I am spending the rest of the day looking for a white fire surround. I am so excited to see the end result. I will share, I promise.
So thats that for today, any tips for suppliers of fire surrounds would be gratefully received.
Enjoy the rest of the snow this weekend, wish I could go sledging!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

A few things I like today, this birdcage mobile from Couverture, it has to be one of my very favourite shops for its eclectic mix of goods that you just don't see everywhere else.
This fun cushion by famillesummerbelle. They also have some very affordable prints which could look great in kids rooms. check out their website...and blog

and this video which my hubby just skyped to me is superb!!
Happy friday.....

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I'm sitting in the gallery this morning admiring this painting just in by Julia Ogden. It perfectly captures for me the essence of this time of year and also is nicely themed for Valentines day, nudge nudge all you husbands out there.

There are some really tiny pieces by her too. I love the characters in her work. It is something I have never tackled myself so have great repect for those that do. I have often been asked why there are no people in my paintings and I have once or twice experimented. Just recently adding a couple in a boat who commissioned the painting and then someone elses dog sitting on the beach. I was pleased with how they worked out so maybe its something I can work on a little more in the small hours of the night soon, when its just me and baby and my thoughts and a sketchbook beside me.

I still don't quite know how work and baby is going to pan out but I guess I will just take each day as it comes and see what I can squeeze in between feeds.

Thanks to the lovely Lucy this week for featuring one of my cards, which you can buy online now here. And if you are in the States, don't be afraid to ask be for shipping costs, its not going to be a lot!

And finally, another new artist into the gallery is Priscilla Jones, whose textiles pieces are delighting all. Below is one of my faves. You can browse or buy them here.T

So, this evening I am taking my Grandmother for her Christmas present to see Strictly Come dancing Live!!! She has a bit of a crush on Brendon Cole.....ewwwww!

Happy weekend all xx

Saturday, January 10, 2009


From the end of the pier
Happy weekend all.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Mousehole at night

Hi Jo, Happy New year! Here is the painting Mousehole at night, just finished. The sky is actually a little darker than this shows, but I had to use a flash. Hope you like! Speak to you Monday x

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Happy new year one and all...boy its cold! It looks so beautiful out there. I am especially in love with these images from the amazing Smosch. So inspiring. It has made me determined this year to invest in a good camera and actually read the instruction manual this time. And then get out and experiment. I guess I will be having some time away from work this year so want to try to learn something new. Alongside changing nappies that is.

My other favourite blog of the moment is Saipua, exquisite arrangements and colours. It makes me want to be a florist again. A childhood dream I had before wanting to be an air stewardess, then a hairdresser, then a fashion designer, then a cake decorator. I'm pleased with what I turned out to be and I will be adding the title of Mum in just 11 weeks time.

So I am having a painting frenzy for the next 8 weeks, or for as long as my back can take it and then its feet up time.
The image at the top by the way is a painting by me from 2005, quite different to where its gone of late. I am revisiting this style at the moment, an urge needing to be realised over the next few months when I get some painting time again. I find that time stops me from experimenting enough. Time is money sadly so I am going to embace the next few months and see what comes out!
Bye for now!