
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Winter Wonderland Wedding on Saturday, you just wouldn't believe the effort that had gone into the making and planning. was magical!!
Hope you all have a magical Christmas, mine starts at 2pm today celebrating Danish style. Looking forward to the singing and dancing round the Christmas tree later tonight.
Will be back in the new year with bump news but for now I want to thank you all for all the amazing comments and well wishes. I wish I had more hours in the day to respond to each one but I sadly don't. Happy, happy Christmas xxx

Sunday, December 14, 2008

nearly perfect

Picture the scene.....a rare day off, a lazy morning with papers and my favourite breakfast of frenh bread with cheese and jam and coffee, a wrapped up walk along a rugged piece of Anglesey coastline, a stop off at the local farm shop for a nice piece of lamb and some veggies for dinner tonight, a tree to decorate and a glass of mulled wine. The making of a perfect day..... A box of presents opened and just about to be wrapped and dammit dammit dammit, no bloody sellotape!!!!! What to do?

I took the photo above on Thursday when Sean and I had a sudden urge to get in the car and find the snow on the mountains. We drove into the heart of Snowdonia and found that glass like lake above just under Snowdon and then the perfect place for a hot chocolate before driving home. And it felt like our little secret, noone knew. I love impromtu moments like that. And it reminded me of this favourite Rob Ryan print/card that we have in the gallery

Back to it, have a good week x

Friday, December 05, 2008

Kens jugs

Looking at these in the gallery made me happy today. New delivery from Ken Eardley. Hopefully on the gallery website early next week. Depends how much I can sweet talk hubby,as he is the web person. Going home now for Friday night homemade pizza mmmmmm!
Hope its a good weekend for you xx

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Oh Christmas tree

Having fun decorating, but working really hard to finish some paintings before Christmas.
Have you got your trees yet? think we will go this weekend. How exciting! Starting to feel more Christmassy now as there is snow on the mountains across the water. Its beautiful. Will try and capture it for you this week.
I'm sampling every known mince pie to man at the moment...for my own personal research of course. Wouldn't want to be feeding the little one in my belly just any old thing you know!
Happy December all xxx