
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Two things keeping me very entertained today in between packing my suitcase.

The new Emiliana Torrini album
and this has had me in stitches all morning, clearly too much time on my hands. Try it!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Is Summer here?

Today is the first Sunny day we have had in weeks and weeks and it feels a bit like Summer...yes really! We had just given up on our Summer and next week we are going for a week to a villa in an Andalucian village called Colmenar in the Malaga mountains, lots of eating, reading, swimming, playing games and falling asleep to the sound of goat bells in the SUN. Pure bliss and more than needed. I have tried using a fake tan so I feel a little betere with less clothes on but I now look like an oompa loompa. I have to face facts that I was not meant to be brown...or orange even and that pale IS interesting! Thank you all for the lovely comments about the cross stitch kits in the last post, I will let you know as soon as I know anything more.
Hope everyone else sees some Sun this weekend. Bye for now x

Friday, September 05, 2008


I'll start with the very exciting news. The wonderful Kate at Bothy threads has created 4 cross stitch kits from my paintings. Here are 2 of them. It is such a thrill to see my work in this tactile form. They will be widely available very soon but are just in the final packaging stages. More details when I know them. Oh, and they will also be available on the brand new gallery website which is coming along very nicely and will be launched in about a month.

So what happened to August? Sorry for lack of posts. Thank you all for the comments and emails and sorry I haven't had the energy to reply.
The gallery was crazy busy for the last 6 weeks and since I haven't been very well for nearly a month now my fantastic family chipped in and did a superb job of running it resulting in an amazing month. Thank you thank you thank you to them. I am starting to feel normal again now (!) and contemplating entering the studio again. Sorry to all the people who are waiting for commissions. I have had many many emails asking about available originals. Right now I will have to point you in the direction of Baxters gallery, Dartmouth, Serena Hall Gallery, Southwold and Avalon Art in Marazion who all have just a few paintings available. I have no originals in my gallery or in the studio due to the busy Summer season but hard work is on the cards to amend that soon so please be patient.

I shall be back soon with more news but that is me for today. xxx