
Thursday, July 24, 2008

New in the gallery

Pheweeeeee, Summer is here! It is hot hot hot!!! The smell of bbq's is drifting in through my studio windows and the sound of seagulls clearing up after a busy day of tourists is making me smile.
Long may it last. As promised just a few things in the gallery this week. More over the weekend.

New painting in this week from Julia Ogden entitled Meadowsweet.

I love the new tea towels Poppy Treffry has brought out. They are literally flying out the door.

Pretty flipping excited to be getting some jewellery from Lynsey Walters in a couple of weeks, certain to raise a smile.

If anyone is interested, we do do mail order you know :)

And finally, great news, a lovely lady called Kriket has moved into the mezzanine level of the old chapel where my gallery is, she is selling her own jewellery and work by other jewellers. If there are any jewellers out there wishing to display work , the please contact her through her website here. It is so good to have the place full and buzzing creatively. Come visit us this Summer! I'll buy you a scone!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Blue skies

Wishing I was going to Cornwall this Summer walking that path over to St Michaels mount
I am doing a swap with the very talented Gennine , patiently waiting for my birdies to fly over from Mexico. I love the blog world for these opportunities, to share work with other wonderful and creative people and allowing friendships to begin.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Where has Summer gone? Dark skies and rain here, makes for more dramatic paintings from me though. We have doubled the size of the gallery this week and its suddenly got really busy. Schools break up today, so no more painting for the next 6 weeks. I am turning into a gallery assistant from tomorrow. I want to share with you some of the stunning things we sell now by so many talented artists from the UK. Will share in the next few days. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rome Outdoors

Rome was, hot, beautiful, tiring, touristy, dusty, loud, entertaining, green, sun drenched, spectacular and surprising.
The Trevi fountain floored me as did the white baroque architecture against a cloudless blue sky but who can enjoy the Sistine Chapel with 500 hot people in the same room as you?
I had a love hate relationship with Rome, not to be done again in the month of July but we walked and saw and ate and laughed so I loved it for that.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Sailing by

Please forgive my absence. So much going on, doubling the size of gallery, working with several companies on some exciting projects, trying to create a website but changing my mind every day, and off to Rome on Monday for our one year wedding anniversary.

Where does time go????????