I love how my Blyton books echo my Popang photo frame, and thats me....hello! and my treasured Cathy Miles bird. Amy Ruppel is having an online sale today, there are still some left.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
I have enjoyed June so far, a little bit of calm was needed. I am enjoying looking and living in the house and making decorating decisions. I am loving eating outdoors nearly every day. I am enjoying the flowers coming to life in a garden we have not ever seen through Summer yet. I am enjoying putting together a new website for the gallery showcasing the wonderful work of the 20 artists and designers I am now selling. So it is calmer but still lots to do. But mostly I am enjoying the cloudless bright blue sky hanging over my head and the peace and quiet today. Jewellery above by Becky Crowand flower brooch by Abbot and Ellwood