
Friday, November 30, 2007

Where to start?

Hello folks....
What a month....its just flown by. Its been such a long time since I posted that I nearly didn't, but the lovely Kajsa encouraged me to so I will start with small steps again. So we are in and settled and the gallery is open. Here are just a few photos from the gallery and studio. We are really happy here. I have been made to feel very welcome so far by the community. The local people are just so friendly, it is a very special place. The response has been slightly overwhelming. It is lovely to have people point to their houses in the paintings. The opening was exhausting but so much fun. The town hosted a Victorian evening with Ice rink, snow machines and roasted chestnuts, I slightly overdid it with the mulled wine (first of the season) but hey ho I thought I deserved it.
I'd just like to point out my lovely Mum made the stars for the window which are also for sale, they are great for on the tree, I will try my best to get a better photo of them for you.

I am finding it a little hard to paint and be on show and chat but I'm sure I can get used to it. I had a film crew in from S4C yesterday filming me paint so I had to brush up on my Welsh speaking skills. I studied Welsh in school but that was 13 years ago so I may just go to a local class for a refresher.
So, hwyl i ti a diolch yn fawr iawn i'r pobl o Biwmaris. xx

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Things are going well with the move and opening. I will post photos when I get some. This is a new painting of Penmon lighthouse just 5 miles from where we will be moving to.
I am enjoing the new Sigur Ros album. I also received their New film in the post today so very much looking forward to seeing that tonight. I bought the edition that came with a 116 page booklet. I'm so glad I did it is magical. You can find it here
so there you go!
Back soon.