
Saturday, February 24, 2007


I didn't think the inside of my bin was rubbish!
I'm working all weekend, balancing my palette on my splint. Have a great weekend everyone! x

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

computer literate?

Where is the week going? I have so much on. I am preparing envelopes for mail outs and designing comp slips, getting brochures ready for my new limited edition prints which I'm launching next week, hopefully. It's not all about painting! I have had lots of that to do too though. I have six paintings to do for a gallery for next Wednesday. Two are finished so far.

Last, the week before, aaagghhh? I went to the Spring fair in the NEC which is a huge, it took a whole day to just see two halls, the gallery and Greeting cards/stationary. I saw a few new artists and was reminded of some old favourites. I am planning on having a stand at the fair myself next year so it was good research but overall the fair was a bit disappointing. It all seems so dominated by the very big publishers. There is a lot of the same out there.

But these stopped me in my tracks by

My own studio is not dissimilar......

They made me chuckle. The second one reminds me of a story my friend told me recently, he was helping his grandmother order a new washing machine online, they found one she liked the look of so he told her she could pay there and then and it would get delivered to her, she couldn't quite understand that she wouldn't have to go to a shop and see someone face to face but nevertheless she disappeared from the room and came back a few minutes later with a handful of cash. He was puzzled but then fell about laughing when he saw she was bent down and trying to feed the cash into the modem!!!! Well how do they know!?!?

Shirley Hughes reminded me why I love Childrens books.

Some nice new prints from Sasha Harding

After a long chat on the phone that has distracted me for the last hour and a half and now it is midnight, Bye for now xxx

Friday, February 16, 2007

Beach huts

My latest work. The original 76x76cm is currently residing at Pond galleries in London. It will be available as a Limited edition print as soon as I update my website. Image size 30x30cm.

Have a great weekend folks! I will be back Monday with the artists. xxx

Thursday, February 15, 2007

London links

These goodies were found and seen in various locations from my two day trip to London. From Collect at the V&A to shopping on the top end of Kings Road it was a feast for the eyes.

Bettina Speckner at Galerie Ra from Collect.

The Spring collection from Noa Noa (I love their styling as much as their clothes)

Hans Van der Weijden ( I think this was at Collect just found the name scribbled in my notebook)

I wish my feet were small enough for these seen at
Couverture, (my second favourite shop in the world).

I am quite a fan of their wallpapers Timorous beasties

and who wouldn't like some of this hand painted wallpaper by Neisha Crosland

I found
Charlotte liddle at Designers guild

Crazy jewels and bags from Joke schole

Malice in Wonderland by
Bethan Lloyd Worthington

and finally, the new collection of fabrics from
Marimekko at Skandium is so fresh!

Tomorrow, if I have time I will do a feature on artists I saw at The spring fair last week at the NEC, if not, Monday, I promise. Bye for now, with Love xx

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

bracing myself

A new painting and a new apron......this painting completes the pair (it is square by the way) and its making its way to Pond galleries in London on Friday.
Yep, i am off to London again on Friday for the weekend, can't wait. We are planning a bit of a tourist trip, no shops!?!? (well maybe just this one) but we are sightseeing, galleries, museums etc instead. This looks like a great exhibition at the V&A so we will definitely be heading there.
and I am sharing Abigails excitement about a new apron, but mine is not nearly as fancy as her lovely one. I really should photograph my previous one. It is a work of art in itself. It can nearly stand up on its own it is so thick with paint.

The UK is on weather alert, as they are expecting a lot of snow tonight. Now normally I would be peeing my pants with excitement by now at this prospect as our garden normally transforms into a winter wonderland when white, but just tomorrow I am crossing my fingers for just a little rather than the six predicted. You see I have a photographer coming a long way tomorrow to take photos of eight paintings. These are for my new collection of limited edition prints which I am so xcited about, so I really need him to be able to get here through the snow. We can't postpone as they are being delivered over the weekend in various locations in London. So please....just this once....just a little.

Off to carry on writing delivery notes, screwing hooks into my canvases!?! and packing. I might see you tomorrow. Happy Thursday all. xx
p.s gosh and thank you so much lovelies for the kind comments about that last painting. It really means a lot! xx

Friday, February 02, 2007

St Ives mist.

I have finished this today. My colours are getting more subtle as this is how I feel. I like it though. This will be available as a print along with another six, hopefully by the end of the month. I will let you know.
Have a great weekend y'all. xxx