Saturday, December 23, 2006
Happy, happy
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
too many marshmallows

Boy did I have fun making this today, but feeling a little sick now. I'm afraid it was one marshmallow for the snow and one for my mouth. Without showing off it really does look way better than this photo in real life. It is sparkly and really colourful. New years a new camera!

Tomorrow is the second to last of my Christmas painting deliveries, over in Derbyshire. I am combining it with a little trip over to see my very best friend up in t'hills. We will do lunch and swap presents and talk and talk and talk and laugh a lot, its been too long!!!! I am trying to see as many of my friends as I can before Christmas as I have been rubbish and not sent or made a single card this year. It is of course much nicer to see people anyway, To those I don't, I'm sorry, you are in my thoughts. xxx
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
All wrapped up!
The soldier above is my favourite thing I own and I have two. My Mum gave it to me just last year but it has been with us for as long as I have been alive.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Prawn cocktails and Campari?
I have decorated my tree this year with my favourite colours. I am happy with it but somehow just doesn't feel like Christmas. Back to Red next year!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
I love these Ikea lanterns, or did until I severely burnt myself when I touched the top. Not recommended around Children!
Still busily working away on commissions this week in time for Christmas. Will share some of these tomorrow. Preparing for a trip to London this weekend for a weekend with my Mum. We are off to the theatre to see the Sound of music on Friday then shop till we drop for the rest of the weekend. Sooooooooo excited. See you all tomorrow x.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Edwin Cole, a talented photographer whose work deserves to be looked at! Some really beautiful black and white shots.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Busy busy!

I must go to get a parcel ready for Cornwall in the morning. It just never stops does it??!! :)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Here we go again!

I had a long, long day yesterday hence no blog. I went to Canterbury and Southwold in Suffolk and home again all in a day!!! For those who don't know , I was basically driving for 13 hours! I had a 2 hour break in Southwold where I met the lovely Marc from Serena Hall gallery for the first time. I also stretched my legs on a very windy beach and took some photos of the lines of beach huts there then nearly got knocked to the floor by a very excited big black dog! I do love a beach at this time of year, the sound of the crashing waves and the wind just encapsulated me and took control. Got some pretty good photos even though the light wasn't great.

The gallery was so much bigger than I expected. There was room after room of really vibrant pieces mostly with a coastal feel. I have been selling my work really well here for a year now so it was great to see where they go. I loved Serena's mixed media pieces, like this one called 'Happy'. There were lots more great artists and designers that I will feature for the rest of this week.

Right I need to go to start replying to some of these emails and start a worklist for the next couple of weeks to see what I can and can't fit in. Is it just a coincidence that it is all men that have contacted me for paintings before Christmas!!??? ;)